Tree Planting Initiative by UBP
As part of its environmental initiative, UBP and its employees took part in the planting of trees in the Geneva region.
Trees planted
in Switzerland
Tons of CO2 will be absorbed in average
tree planting project
Meinier, Geneva
This project is located in Meinier in the canton of Geneva. The forest was affected by bark beetle and drought, and the spruces, already weakened, had to be felled. Interesting species for the future were planted, including oak, lime, maple, chestnut and wild cherry. These trees will bring diversity and biodiversity to the forest.
The oak is a large tree from the temperate northern hemisphere, with hollow bark, gnarled branches, lobed leaves and fruit (acorns) in a cup.
The oak symbolises strength, power and generosity. It has shared our lives since the dawn of time and has naturally become synonymous with longevity.
The maple is a small, hardy tree with a dense, rounded habit. It has elegant foliage and fairly small leaves. It belongs to the Aceraceae family. This tree is resistant to drought and altitude once well established. The flowers appear in yellow-green clusters in May. They are very important for maintaining foraging insects. The maple symbolises independence, freedom and a keen sense of observation.
The wild cherry is a tree with an elegant silhouette and charming spring flowers.
The white flowers, with their fine, delicate petals, are grouped together in lateral clusters. The fruit, called merises, is edible and used to make kirsch. The wild cherry tree prefers soil that is deep, rich in organic matter, cool, neutral or slightly acidic. The soil must be well drained, as it fears stagnant humidity. Birch symbolises abundance, fertility and birth. It is also often associated with happiness, beauty and purity.
The linden tree is native to temperate Europe, and is often planted in parks and avenues. Its fragrant flowers make a calming, sweat-inducing infusion.
Linden trees are fast-growing, with wide-spreading branches. The leaves are generally heart-shaped with a long point at the tip and a toothed edge.
A protective tree, a symbol of friendship, loyalty and love, with its subtly scented flowers and soothing properties.
The chestnut tree is a member of the Fagaceae family. This majestic, powerful, wide-growing tree is both a forest tree and a fruit tree. In autumn, the foliage turns an attractive yellow, quickly turning brown. The chestnut's glossy, toothed foliage hides edible fruit, which will fall to the ground in autumn. It is a symbol of truth, vigour, generosity and justice.